Halloween, I was lucky enough to run into Game of Thrones author
George R.R. Martin on the streets of New York city (it was definitely the real
George R.R. Martin, and not just me in a George R.R. Martin costume).
that Martin is just an all-around swell fellow (perhaps he was in his cups
from all of the festive holiday ale), he was nice enough to show me the
unfinished manuscript for the sixth book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series: The
Winds of Winter. He also let me take a look at his personal notes, which
helped pull back the curtain to give us a peak into the brilliant author's
process - a real treat!
If you're a true Game of Thrones fan - and who isn't? - you simply must read this exclusive treasure trove of delightful goodies!
Winds of WinterIf you're a true Game of Thrones fan - and who isn't? - you simply must read this exclusive treasure trove of delightful goodies!
by George R.R. Martin
Snow awoke and then
to / from self:
- Needs more dragons
- Remember to have winter come
- Another Red Wedding(s?)
- Needs more boobs
- What if: Lannister doesn’t always
pay debts?
- Stop killing off fan favourites
- Dragon boobs?
- Just kidding about “stop killing
off fan favourites”
- “Dwarf stuff” (wrote this down, don’t remember what it means)
- Replace Iron Throne w/ something comfortable
- Chapter from perspective of Theon’s
penis- “Dwarf stuff” (wrote this down, don’t remember what it means)
- John Snow dates two wildlings at same time
- Sam accidentally sits on cake, apologizes
- More Dorne!!! (!!!)
- Littlefinger cracks wise about Davos’ little fingers
- Redeem Ramsay Bolton (haha)
- Maybe Varys had penis whole time
- Redeem Ramsay Bolton (haha)
- Maybe Varys had penis whole time
- Entire book describing food (would people buy?)
- Finally go back and fill in all of those placeholder "hodors" (place-hodors) with actual words
- Finally go back and fill in all of those placeholder "hodors" (place-hodors) with actual words
to kill:
Jon Snow
Cersei Lannister
Daenerys Targaryen
Jamie Lannister
Ned Stark again?
Tyrion Lannister
All of the Stark children
One of the Direwolves
Stannis Baratheon
Stannis Baratheon
The other Direwolves
NOT Walder Frey
NOT Walder Frey
Joffrey's sis (Myr-something;
check with editor for name)
Ser Pounce
Trees with faces
10 lucky readers (would publishers allow?)
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